We believe that these four values are essential for a strong, healthy and growing church. Jesus Christ is the head of His church and we are His bride, wife.

W-I-F-E of Christ:

  • Worship: Adoration of God and our Savior, Jesus Christ in Spirit and truth.
  • Instruction: A growing knowledge of God through expository preaching and teaching.
  • Fellowship: Developing meaningful relationships with others.
  • Expression: Serving one another by fulfilling the Great Commission.

We believe that how we accomplish our purpose is as important as the purpose itself.

  • As we grow and mature in Jesus Christ, we desire to live a life characterized by integrity.
  • We desire to provide an atmosphere of respect where each person can contribute and thrive for Christ.
  • We will strive to practice grace in our relationships with one another by being thoughtful, kind, generous, courteous, forgiving, encouraging, and appreciative of others’ differences as we inspire Christ-likeness in those around us.
  • Since all we do is to be done “as unto the Lord,” we will strive for excellence in our pursuits. As we reflect the infinite excellence of the God we serve, we desire to give Him our very best in all ministry and personal service possible.
  • We will live and serve our God by being accountable to one another: A willingness to answer for one’s life, characterized by vulnerability, teachable, honesty, and availability.
  • As we live and serve by faith, we will entrust our talents, finances, spiritual gifts and plans to God’s control and give God all the glory.